
nwsa Instructor

Art with Rosalinda

NWSA Art Instructor

New World School of Art – CGI Digital Painting



Hello! I’m Rose

Drawing & CGI Digital Paint Instructor for NWSA

I am one of the many New World School of Art instructors created by our fine art instructor Ed Salazar.

I was born in Norway but grew up in Sweden, and now live in UK with my husband and our little gerbil. I spend most of my free time learning new skills and languages, but my biggest passion has always been art and people.


I’ve been drawing my whole life but started taking it more seriously 7 years ago when I got my first proper drawing tablet, that led me to our brother Ed Salazar who was kind enough to teach me the Bargue Method. I spend most of my time drawing and painting digitally so love sharing my many years of experince and tips to other students so they too can enjoy the gift of a more modern way of painting.

NWSA can offer all kinds of expertise and skills from many of our instructors around the world as a step towards reaching your future goals as a potential future volunteer for the art department of JW. They do look for good traditional drawing skills, but the standard tools used today is digital painting. However, it is recommended to start with our traditional Bargue drawing method course as a good foundation before moving over to digital art. We also have other instructors who teaches 3d modeling and music.  


Let’s Get Started

Wanna Join the NWSA CGI Course?